© 2023 Angelic Radar Menominee, MI
Request an Angel Reading
You are invited to have a conversation with your Guardian Angel. Your Angel has noticed things about your life that are worthy of
acknowledgment and knows you would benefit from embracing them...if you recognized them.
Your Angel companion does not want you needlessly troubled, hurt, confused or frustrated because he/she wants you to express and
experience the best possible you. This Angel has agreed to love you, support you, guide you and if it is within his/her power and
without interfering with your free will, keep you safe. This Forever companion has been showing up for you your entire life. He/she
has been nudging, signaling, inspiring and guiding you even though perhaps you’re unaware.
I am a Spiritual Intuitive who has agreed to be of service to the Angels. I hear them between my thoughts. I recognize them when they
show up. I know when they need to message. I know that their unseen energy is always at work tuning us in for love, healing,
inspiration, action or a gentle redirection.
Your Angels have just sent you an invitation to use my service. They invite you to book a reading.
A reading runs 30 to 45
minutes and the fee is